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Preparing For Your Mircoblading Appointment
Considering Mircroblading? I offer a complimentary consultation. This allows me to see your brows in person, answer any last-minute questions, and come up with a plan for the desired look.
What to Expect
What is Microblading?
If you are craving a more defined brow and not wanting to rely on makeup then Microblade could be for you. The result is soft and natural and fades 10-30% in the first month, and around 50% in the first year. If you are wanting a bolder result then makeup can be added after the microblade has healed.
During Your Appointment:
2.5-3 hours
- Consultation: We’ll discuss your preferences and examine your natural brows.
- Numbing Cream: We’ll apply numbing cream and take before photos.
- Color Matching: A color will be selected based on your natural brow hair and skin tone.
- Brow Mapping: We’ll ensure brow symmetry according to your facial features and desired results.
- Approval: Aftercare and paperwork will be discussed, and no permanent changes to the client’s face will be made until the client approves of the shape and color.
- Microblading: The microblading procedure will commence 1.5 hours into your appointment and typically takes under an hour.
Please Note:
After the service is completed, there are no refunds permitted.

What to Expect
Preparing for Your Appointment
- Age Requirement: Ensure you are 18 years of age or older as per Washington state regulations, as no one under 18 can receive a tattoo, including microblading.
- Medications and Supplements: Avoid taking Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Ibuprofen 24 hours before your treatment.
- Omega-3: Refrain from consuming omega-3 supplements (fish oil) at least 72 hours prior to your appointment and during the healing process.
- Caffeine & Alcohol: Do not drink coffee, alcohol, or energizing drinks on the day of treatment. If you are used to drinking your daily cup of coffee feel free to still drink caffeine/coffee to avoid a caffeine headache. A headache is going to cause the procedure to be much more uncomfortable. Don’t torture yourself. Just keep it to one cup.
- Sun Exposure: Do not tan or expose your skin to intense sunlight for 3 days before your treatment and for two weeks afterward. Always continue to wear mineral SPF for the life of your tattoo. If you choose to tan after healing please cover your brows with a thick barrier layer of SPF.
- Waxing: Avoid waxing 2-3 days before your appointment and for four weeks after. Stray hair will be managed on the day of your appointment.
- Treatments: Avoid chemical peels, retinol, glycolic, dermabrasion, laser, or any other intense chemical or exfoliation treatments, 2 weeks before and after the appointment. Going forward, always avoid any chemical treatments on the tattoo for good retention, for the entire life of your tattoo.
- Botox: (in the brow area) should be done only when your doctor clears you after microblading, usually a week or so after is common. However, if you do Botox before brows you must wait at least 2 weeks after the Botox has been injected (in the brow area) to have your brows bladed.
- Makeup: Feel free to fix your brows as you usually do so I can see how you like to shape them and take a before photo with and without makeup.
- Guests: Additional guests are welcome but will be asked to wait in the waiting area during the appointment as the treatment room is a sterile environment. Please no young children. Friends interested in the service may join us for certain parts of the appointment.

What to Expect
Frequently Asked Questions
How many sessions are needed?
After the initial appointment, a Touch-Up appointment is usually needed at 6-8 weeks to perfect color and balance. If all looks good, then it isn’t necessary but I would still like to see them regardless in person or in a photo. After that, it’s up to you depending on how bold you’d like to keep them. Long-term maintenance appointments are at 1, 2, or 3 years. Keep in mind that after 2 years it is then considered a new appointment.
Is there downtime after the procedure?
It’s normal to experience a mild amount of redness and swelling but is usually gone within a few hours. Brows will look amazing but will feel on the bolder side for the first few days.
How much fading occurs?
Not all brows are created equally. Brows typically fade around 25% in the first 6 weeks and 50-60% during the first 1-2 years. This is why the span of Touch-up appointments can vary.
What can I do to preserve the color of my new brows?
Limit sun exposure. Natural Mineral SPF daily (starting 7 days after appointment). Avoid Retinols.

Happy Clients

“There are so many things I love about Ashley! Not only does she excel at her craft, but she is dedicated to making you feel heard throughout the process and customizing her approach to ensure she meets your needs. Plus, she is the best company, she makes the entire process fun and exciting. I am obsessed with my brows! I highly recommend Ashley!!”
Natane – 09.17.2023

Brow Haus Appointments
Secure Your Appointment
A deposit must be made of $100 to hold your appointment. I do ask that you please give 48 hours' notice for rebooking to transfer your deposit to a new appointment.
Your deposit will go towards the total for your service. Deposits may be made via:
- Venmo (@Ashley-Crowley-3)
- Cash App ($ashleymcrowley)
- PayPal (@ashleymc888)
Schedule Your Appointment
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Book Your Appointment Today
Please note. You must be 18 years of age or older to get any sort of tattoo in Washington state, including microblading.
(970) 846-3567
1315 E Pine St, Seattle WA 98122 (inside Salon Naoveau)